Monday, April 12, 2010

You've Got to be Kidding Me!

The bishops are actually opposing a bill lifting the statute of limitations on child molestation?! Is claiming it is a "threat" to the Church?!

Even if he has a point about frivolous lawsuits, the hierarchy should realize that this is a stupid move right now. Once again, looks more like concern for institutional self-preservation than justice. Does God have a statute of limitations on sin?!

And then this:
The Catholic archdiocese of Hartford also published a pulpit announcement on its Web site, which was to be read during Mass on Sunday, urging parishioners to express opposition to the bill.
So they're making their priests read a statement opposing lifting the statute of limitations on child molestation, a question on which there can (at the very least) be total disagreement among Catholics, this isn't a question of Church doctrine...but then they won't even excommunicate pro-abortion politicians or end communion on the hand?!?!

The disgusting audacity of these bishops is astounding. What are their priorities? They constantly work to appease the world and save their own hide, even while showing absolutely no force or leadership when it comes to actual matters of the Catholic Faith.


  1. You should read this:

    I'd like to see your commentary in the red.

  2. sortacatholic4/13/10, 7:50 AM

    I'm from CT originally. I read Bp. Lori's (Diocese of Bridgeport's) message opposing the lifting of statue limitations. Essentially, the diocese is pleading with state government to keep the current statutes. The bishops and archbishop of the state don't want to be thrown to the trial lawyers. The state's diocese stand a real chance of bankruptcy. Church property may also be garnished.

    I'm of two minds on this. There will inevitably be people who launch false accusations to reap settlements. Bp. Lori claims that tort against dead priests inevitably results in settlement since the defendant is no more.

    Some people have legitimate grievances. Those who have a solid case of abuse should not be denied due process, regardless of whether the crime was four or forty years ago. The dioceses need to face up to legitimate claims.


You are welcome to disagree with me and with each other. Civil debate is a valuable way to test and exchange ideas. Do keep it civil, though. Any really offensive craziness will either be held up as an example of What We Don't Stand For, or deleted.