Thursday, January 6, 2011

Three Years

How delightful. I've had this blog less than 13 months, but because I started in late December and now it's early January, I've posted in three separate years. Funny how that works. Sort of like me being only 21 yet having lived in four separate decades.

Seriously, sorry for not posting so much lately, my mind has been other places.
Happy real Epiphany!!


  1. Happy REAL Epiphany ?

    You're going to have to expand on the matter. Are you referring to The Feast of The Theophany which get's equated with The Feast of Three Kings/Wisemen or Old Calendar Christmas (even though, January 6th is when Christmas was celebrated for me (Well I grew up with both.)) ?

  2. Who Am I,

    I think A Sinner is referring to the practice of moving the Epiphany to the nearest Sunday, even by anticipation.

    Today, January 6th, is also Aremenian 'Christmas', or Theophany where Epiphany and the Nativity have not emerged as separate feasts.

    Tomorrow, January 7th, is Old Kalendar Christmas Day for millions of Christians of Catholic Eastern rites, Orthodox and Orientals.

  3. Thanks Rubricarius, I thought he was referring to this :

    "Today, January 6th, is also Aremenian 'Christmas', or Theophany where Epiphany and the Nativity have not emerged as separate feasts."

    I wonder if this was ever the case in Mozarabic Spain. I am of Puerto Rican descent and for us Christmas is today (Reyes (Kings)). Sure we celebrate Nativity, however emphasis on gift giving was traditionally alloted to this feast.

  4. "I thought he was referring to this"

    if he were referring to that, im pretty sure he would have said, "happy real christmas" or something, not "happy real epiphany." i assume rubricarius's interpretation is the logical one, about sunday transference

    "Tomorrow, January 7th, is Old Kalendar Christmas Day"

    ah, so the decadent julian has drifted yet ANOTHER day from the astronomical year. how quaint

  5. "if he were referring to that, im pretty sure he would have said, "happy real christmas" or something, not "happy real epiphany." i assume rubricarius's interpretation is the logical one, about sunday transference"

    Then you didn't understand the context in which I made my statement. Hence this portion:

    " I am of Puerto Rican descent and for us Christmas is today (Reyes (Kings)). Sure we celebrate Nativity, however emphasis on gift giving was traditionally alloted to this feast."

    "Are you referring to The Feast of The Theophany which get's equated with The Feast of Three Kings/Wisemen or Old Calendar Christmas (even though, January 6th is when Christmas was celebrated for me (Well I grew up with both.)) ?"

    You're assuming everyone is ROMAN. Technically,what is referred to as Christmas would more appropriately be referred to as Nativity, hence Happy Feast of The Nativity, whereas Christmas more appropriately refers to the LITURGY (Mass) of the day.

    Spain was not always Roman Catholic, there are still elements of The Mozarab Liturgy present in the Liturgies of post-colonial nations. Likewise, there is SOME overlap between The Mozarab Ritual and that of The Syriacs. While growing up, my mother NEVER crossed herself in The Latin form, she always observed The Eastern/Byzantine form of crossing oneself. It's a shame that I kept insisting she do it the Latin way, because that is what one of the nuns in school (may she RIP) insisted we do. I was "forbidden" from kissing my crossed fingers after Signing myself. So again, you should have read my statement in CONTEXT, before making said statement.

    What happens when you assume ? ;)


You are welcome to disagree with me and with each other. Civil debate is a valuable way to test and exchange ideas. Do keep it civil, though. Any really offensive craziness will either be held up as an example of What We Don't Stand For, or deleted.