Friday, June 11, 2010

At Least I Will Die Free...

More music. My distaste for musical instruments also inclines me to recommend this version. But I must admit I find the video earthy and evocative, raw and nostalgic. Sometimes I think I'm too civilized.


  1. I don't quite understand your distaste for musical instruments.

    Some people are just born weird, I guess... ;)

  2. Instruments sound like screeching, buzzing, clanking, honking, clanging feedback distracting from the beauty of the human voice.

    No. In reality, I don't feel THAT strongly against instruments, and think a capella that tries to imitate them is usually pretty queer.

    Used in moderation, instruments can support the voice or add cool effects (especially harmonicas, banjos, guitars, and pianos), but I do prefer pure-vocal if the voices in question can pull it off.


You are welcome to disagree with me and with each other. Civil debate is a valuable way to test and exchange ideas. Do keep it civil, though. Any really offensive craziness will either be held up as an example of What We Don't Stand For, or deleted.