Friday, June 18, 2010

Vox Nova

A reader recommended to me the Vox Nova blog which (though not necessarily Trad) does seem to have a Renegade streak to it, being tolerant, free-thinking, and seemingly just as fed up with the vapid right-wing ideological version of Catholicism so popular these days.

They describe themselves as:

Vox Nova is a response to the ecclesial mandate to promote the common good in every sphere of human existence. We come from varying backgrounds and carry diverse social outlooks, traversing a wide range of demographics and political sympathies. Vox Nova is free, to the furthest extent possible, from partisanship, nationalism and demagoguery, all of which banish intellectual honesty from rational discourse.

United in our Catholic, pro-person worldview, yet diverging in our socio-political opinions, we seek to provide informed commentary and rigorous debate on culture, society, politics and law, all while unwaveringly adhering to, and aptly applying the principles of Catholic doctrine. We are not intellectually wedded to any single political ideology. Following the example of the rich tradition of Catholic social doctrine from Pope Leo XIII to Pope Benedict XVI, we do not forge artificial blockades between “faith and morals” and “social judgments.” We do not and will not filter Catholic doctrine and morality through contrived categories in order to morph our Catholic faith and practice into some ideologically acceptable form.

We understand that the grace of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of humanity, extends to and permeates very human act, however private or public, and that the only viable path to peace, prosperity and justice in the world is to recognize that grace saturates, sanctifies and perfects every aspect of nature. Thus, faith informs and grace affects the full scope of human effort, from the deepest devotion of spirituality to the most mundane activity in the social sphere. Vox Nova seeks to be a herald of this glorious truth and its manifold implications for culture, society and politics.

1 comment:

  1. I too enjoy the Vox Nova blog, along with your blog , Arturo Vasquez's and Joshua Snyder's Western Confucian. They are the few I find consistently interesting. I did get a little weary of the "GOP" slant to social issues that I saw at EWTN and a few of the Catholic blogs I've read in the past. Myself, I'm a Catholic ,a former Republican, and of the Free State Project, but when I go on the web I don't want to step into an echo chamber. I do enjoy hearing other perpectives and ideas. Your posts on mandatory celibacy and one you did months ago on black Catholics and their traditions , some of the oldest in America, were very thought provoking.


You are welcome to disagree with me and with each other. Civil debate is a valuable way to test and exchange ideas. Do keep it civil, though. Any really offensive craziness will either be held up as an example of What We Don't Stand For, or deleted.