The meet-up in Toronto went smashingly, I think. There is something about meeting in person that really helps cement relationships and accelerate networking in a way that even months of corresponding in text (or even by phone or cam) can't achieve.
First, several of us met for a Saturday evening (Novus Ordo) Mass at the St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto, which is a beautiful gothic building:

We then stayed out till 3AM drinking, eating, talking, wandering around. There was really a lot of energy and bonding and candid sharing; I'd like to think a real meeting of minds and hearts (I'm in the blue):

Then it was quite a marathon night with Ethiopian food for dinner, drinking, hookah/shisha (my first time!), more drinking, all until like 3AM again. Which meant that, from Saturday evening until early Monday morning...some of us basically spent, excluding a short break for sleep, over 36 hours straight together:
Allāhu Akbar: God is great!
1. Fantastic liturgy
2. Copious amounts of booze
3. Shisha
4. Carousing until 3a
... my kind of weekend.
As-salámu ‘aláikum!
I think it was providential that we had the opportunity to all meet. I had a blast getting to know you all - and may it not be the last time. I consider myself blessed!
It was quite the experience for me as well. The energy and passion for the Faith was really in the air. I think we were as drunk on that as we were on the beer...
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