Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Rosaries and Chaplets

A few weeks ago I did a post on my collection of scapulars. I have now updated that post with a more recent and more complete picture of them all. At the end of that post, I also promised that I'd someday show you all a picture of my collection of rosaries and chaplets:

You'll notice I added a little red arrow near the bottom of the picture. To the left of that line is all regular "Dominican" Rosaries of Our Lady. To the right are other types of chaplets and rosaries, some more famous or with more official standing than others (private devotions have a tendency to multiply...)

Oh cheap Catholic trinkets, so much fun. And, of course, this is the one situation where I get to pun about tchotchke that actually includes a chotki!


  1. But The Rosary Chaplet actually develops in The East... and then evolves differently in The West. The beads between The Cross/Crucifix and the first Pater bead were added on during Trent IIRC. Anyway, cool post. You should add a zoom function.

  2. I can pray the rosary on my hands.


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