Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mean Girls!

I don't know if this article is true or not, but it certainly feeds our need for sensationalism and gossip, eh?

With everyone gobbling this stuff up and talking about how grave it is...am I the only one who thinks all this intrigue just doesn't matter??


  1. Wait, what happened? I can't make out what the main event in this article is... something about secret documents and money?

  2. Umm...you haven't been following the Vatileaks scandal???

  3. Weird, I guess not. But for all of the searching on the issue I haven't found anything substantive except "The butler did it." What, exactly, was leaked? Do these documents prove financial mismanagement, or worse, or what?

    I suppose it is relevant in the sense that within the Church, even at the higher levels of authority, you have a bunch of liars and shady dealings going on - and that truly is tragic - but that's not really news, is it?

  4. Well at least in respect of the Church's image this is bad. For many people leaders are inseparable from their organizations (that is why when personal scandal hits a C.E.O. many will choose to resign). Whatever happened, scandal will only lower the image of the Church--that is if there is anything lower than a pedophile protecting machine. In the days of 24 hour news, the Vatican, Church officials and prominent members of the laity must do their best to live irreproachable lives; however, it is a bit naive to expect this to happen. Perhaps the best we can expect is to shut down all "non-essentials". The bank should be shut down and the same for L'observateur romano, since most people and news agencies think this is some OFFICIAL and DOGMATIC speaking office of the Catholic Church (How many headlines have Catholics seen "Pope says aliens exist" or "Pope release list of favorite movies" etc.). I'd also suggest a thorough cleaning of house and staff followed by something grand gesture for the media. Basically, on all levels of the Church there needs to be a good PR person.

  5. Aren't you in favor of inculturation? The Church is based in Italy, and yet you don't expect it to be full of intrigue and back-stabbing?

  6. Hey! It sounds like my seminary. That's why I'm leaving.


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