Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Recommendations

I have updated my "Recommendations" list in the sidebar. I have removed some blogs which shut-down or went private and added a few new ones.

One is the blog "Sweet Lime Madras," the photo-chronicle of one my best friends while she lives in India as part of some pre-grad-school psycho-anthropological research she's doing. It's pretty cool, check it out if you have time.

I also found a blog called "Love the Tradition, Loathe the Traddies," which I thought sounded a lot like our message here, and a blog by Tim Muldoon called "The Holy Desire" which seems pretty good and of a "tone" similar to what I like.

Finally, the blog "Teachers are Students" has recently been started by a member of my cohort in my teaching certification/Masters program. We are on a cluster model, meaning we take most of our classes together as a group with all the same people, and he came up with this idea last semester that it would be really cool to document the careers of all 20-something of us as we set out, given that we all started out in the same program, in the same cohort, taking the same classes together. Sort of like the "Up!" documentary series (tracking the same group of kids every 7 years throughout their life), I guess.

We'll see how long it lasts, I hope it does. It's neat because we're a diverse group, mostly men (which is rare, we've been told), but of many ages and different points in our careers; from people right out of college/undergrad (I'm the youngest) to career changers in their 40's and even early 50's. He finally set up the blog and invited us all tonight, and only has one introductory post so far, but we're all going to try to add to it as we move forward into student-teaching in the spring and beyond. Check it out every so often. Once we get everyone registered as a contributor (anonymity is apparently a concern), I'll update this post with my specific username, so you can find my posts specifically.

Finally, not to toot my own horn, but I was proud to recently have made it into the Top 50 Religion Blogs on Technorati (out of over 6600 in the category). As high as #42 actually, as of writing this post, and I would like to thank my readers for letting me achieve this. It has also put me into the Top 100 in the entire "Living" category (out of almost 33000)! I suppose this puts me into the category of the "parallel magisterium of Catholic bloggers" that the Vatican is apparently concerned about...

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