Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Index 3.0
blog is quickly coming to an end. However, I thought creating one last
index of important posts for readers would be helpful. I have added some
of the new posts since the previous index, but I have also removed a few from the old index that no longer seem nearly so important as they did at the time. I have also created a page here where you can find many Catholic files available for download that readers might find useful and which I wanted to make searchable and available to the Internet at large.
I've tried to sort out the more important posts for getting an understanding of my philosophy and its evolution over the course of this blog, weeding out all the ones that are basically just repetitive, recommendations (or even whole-cloth quotations) of outside articles, videos, visual gags, or personal esoterica, etc. As such, I've narrowed the nearly 850 total posts down to around 200 that I feel constitute the real body of my original essayism about philosophy, theology, liturgy, ecclesiastical politics, psychology, secular politics and economics, art and literature, etc.
I've organized them into a few categories for people. Many are cross-referenced in several of the different categories. Posts that I feel "go together," either which are in a series, or which serve as elaborations or evolutions of previous concepts I've addressed, or which serve as contrasts or "bookends" for each other, I've listed together. The posts tend to go in reverse chronological order (so the newest are often near the top of the lists...):
Liturgy and Piety
The Mandatum
Regnal Numbers
Notes on the Count of Popes
Collect and Stational Churches
A Promising and Enlightening Little Chant Conversation
Women, Modest, Aesthetics, Pants and Skirts
A Brief Note on MCs
Humeral Veils
Too Many Doctors
Practical Thoughts on Distribution of Communion
No Altar Girls
The Holy Dark...
Singing "Over" a Latin Low Mass?
Lay Ministers? That Doesn't Even Compute
Holy Week Liturgies
Clerical Cosplay
Can't We Sit Down?
All Hats are Silly
Vestments and Liturgy
Encouraging Without Requiring
Question on Consecration
I Like the Big Pallium
Obligation for the Liturgy, Not Liturgy for the Obligation
Chant for Matins
Simple Low Mass
Questions About High Mass
Matins at Midnight
More of My Liturgical OCD
Breviary Appendices
Feasts of Apostles: West vs. East
All Saints
1967 Ferial Lectionary Chart
Breviary Ideas
Talking Points for Ending Communion in the Hand
On "Apostolic Traditions"
Fasting Proposal
Re-examining "Partial Abstinence"
Glorious Interruption
A Confession
Re-Attempt the Reform
The Language Barrier is THE Issue
Look to Ethiopia for Inspiration
Reinfusing the Latin Rite with the Spirit of the East
They should have kept Epiphany instead...
Lay Readers and Liturgical Politics
Traditionalism NOT merely an Alternate Globalism
Rosaries and Chaplets
Reform of the Clergy
Lay Ministers? That Doesn't Even Compute
Bishops and Marriage
Auxiliary Bishops and Confirmation
Maritain on Clericalism
The Lay Clergy
Lay Readers and Liturgical Politics
Western Rite Orthodox Catholicism?
Uproar? Open Revolt? I Doubt It.
Clothing and Caste
The Dangers of Monopoly
Newman's Model
Orthodox Primacy and Ecclesiology
The Root of All Evil
Particular Friendships
A Three-Point Plan
Call No Man Father
On "Apostolic Traditions"
Difference in Degree, Not Nature
It's a Question of Loyalties...
Disappointed, but Not Surprised...
Falling in Love and the Creepiness of Institutional Seminaries
A Providential Find?
Secular Institutes: The Vocation of the Third Millennium?
A Sad Truth: The Utter Facade of Mandatory Celibacy
Article on "No Organizations"
Vatican II
Every So Often...
A Plea to Move On
Just as Authoritarian as Ever
More Vatican II Dialogue
Vatican II: Deconstructing Certain Notions
True Religious Freedom
Talking Points for Ending Communion in the Hand
On "Apostolic Traditions"
Fasting Proposal
Traditionalism NOT merely an Alternate Globalism
In Summary: The "Maybe God" and "Seekularism"
Beyond Theism; How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the "Death of God"
Addendum: Pontifex Means Bridge-Builder; or, a Church of Seekers
Pluralism, Communion, Open versus Closed (Fundamentalist) Systems
Why There Can Be No "Potential" Human Beings
Extraterrestrial "Intelligence"
The Scandal of Particularity
Paul and Marriage: Beggars Can't Be Choosers
Competing Social Values, the Historical Contingency of Politics and Economics
Why Progressive Notions Are Wrong
His Wrath
A Critique of Theology of the Body
At the Edges of Consciousness: Death and the Double Judgment
Temporal Punishment and Construction
Original Sin and the Meaning of Being Human
Markers of Identity: Community and Boundaries, Law and Morality
Anscombe and Intentional Act
Permissive Will and Sufficient Grace
The Clever Frenchman (on Lying)
Genesis and Evolution
NFP and Moral Object
In Defense of NFP
Hedonism: Two from Grisez
Our Lady's Virginity "in Partu"
The Ordering of the Ordinary
Grace and Free Will: a Thomistic Double Standard?
Two Different Arguments
Conscience Obliges, It Doesn't Permit
On Relativity (not Relativism)
Faith Good and Bad
Mormons, the CDF, &c.
J,E,P, and D
They Need a Better Editor
Auxiliary Bishops and Confirmation
Old News: Thoughts on "Life of the Mother"
Further Thoughts on Life Ethics
God Loves Some More Than Others
Inquiry for Readers on Religious Orders
Canon Law and Sacred Bonds: Vows and Oaths in Consecrated Life
On the Head of a Pin: Some Very Speculative Theology
On Monogenism
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam: On Moral Foundations
Something Else For You To Oppose
The Breaking of the Light
Images of the Father
The Unjust Steward and Indulgences
The (Long) Hard Problem of Consciousness
Another Common Misunderstanding
A Codicil
True Religious Freedom
The Other Secularism
A Common Misunderstanding
Olive Oil
New Answers to Old Questions
Father William Most and Theology
O Felix Culpa!!
The Paradox of the Jews
Jane Eyre and the Confessions of a Closet Universalist
"Living in Sin" and Double Standards
Contraception vs Sterilization
Jumping To Conclusions
Fornication and the Natural Law
Yes, Put a Damn Condom on Already!!!
The Arithmetic of Lesser Evils
The Arithmetic of The Pill
Trinitarianism and Orthodoxy
Orthodox Primacy and Ecclesiology
An Alternate Marriage Proposal from the East
Concrete Proposals vis a vis Orthodoxy: Remarriage
Concrete Proposals vis a vis Orthodoxy: Intro
A Canticle for Leibowitz and the Dormition
Merry Marymas!
Sensible Distinctions
Religious Freedom and Misleading Numbers
Production and Distribution
Notes on Pro-Life Voting
A Political Detante
Makes Sense
Legalize Same-Spirit Marriage!
"Crazy" vs. "Mainstream"
What If: "Gift Money"
Reminder: Social Credit
Head of State, or Figurehead?
Even More Thoughts on the State and Just Laws
New Point on the State and Just Laws
The State and Just Laws?
Individualism and Collectivism
Some Truths Are (Or Would Be) Useless
Sensitivity and Mascots
World Systems and Exploitation
Things To Make You Mad
Let He Who Is Without Sin...
Capital Punishment and Genocide
No More Exceptionalism!
The Paradox of the Jews
It Is Really Hard Sometimes...
Adam Smith on Slavery and the Middle Ages
True Religious Freedom
More Acadecadence
The Other Secularism
The Wine of the Wrath of her Fornication
A Sad Situation
Scary Statistics
Throwing Your Vote Away?
Lies Vs. Wrong Interpretation
Reactionaryism is Sophomoric
Gun Control: An Issue that Shouldn't be Ideological
On Politics
They Need to Learn Some Math
A Flaw...
A Long Introduction to Social Credit
I'm conflicted, re: Chinese Censorship vs US "Information Imperialism"
In Summary: The "Maybe God" and "Seekularism"
Beyond Theism; How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the "Death of God"
Addendum: Pontifex Means Bridge-Builder; or, a Church of Seekers
Pluralism, Communion, Open versus Closed (Fundamentalist) Systems
Meat-Eating Vegans
The Good: A Paradox
The Boiling Frog
"I Had No Choice"? Agency and Martyrdom
Christian Marriage: All or Nothing?
Cardinal Dulles is Right
Ideas are Dangerous
Selfhood: Truth and Authenticity
"Crazy" vs. "Mainstream"
Imposing Morality?
Baptists, Alcohol, and Catholic Barbecues
Attendance at Invalid or Immoral Weddings
Intellectual Pride
Conscience Obliges, It Doesn't Permit
Faith Good and Bad
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mauvaise Foi
Love and Charity
Institutionalism of the Mind
Cohabitation and Minding Your Own Business
Encouraging Without Requiring
Fear and Death
Roman Catholic
Humility as Reality
Intellectual Promiscuity
Encouraging Signs
Preaching to the Choir
"Living in Sin" and Double Standards
"Humanly Impossible Absolute Guarantees"
A Sad Situation
Contraception vs Sterilization
Further Thoughts on Homoeroticism
Particular Friendships
Jumping To Conclusions
Why Do They Care?
Yes, Put a Damn Condom on Already!!!
The Arithmetic of Lesser Evils
The Arithmetic of The Pill
The Power of Women
One has to Wonder...
Dreams of Poverty
Reflections on a Bucket Bath
True Religious Freedom
Distinctions: Jealousy vs. Envy
Testimonial from a Black Catholic
Fasting Proposal
Sin vs. Hypocrisy
Give Up Guilt for Lent
Make It Easy For People
Why Can't More Priests Preach Like This?
Layer Upon Layer
On the true "Sense of Sin"
Eastern Christianity
Trinitarianism and Orthodoxy
Orthodox Primacy and Ecclesiology
An Alternate Marriage Proposal from the East
Concrete Proposals vis a vis Orthodoxy: Remarriage...
Concrete Proposals vis a vis Orthodoxy: Intro
All Saints
A Canticle for Leibowitz and the Dormition
Merry Marymas!
Feasts of Apostles: West vs. East
Western Rite Orthodox Catholicism?
On "Apostolic Traditions"
Fasting Proposal
Re-examining "Partial Abstinence"
Look to Ethiopia for Inspiration
Reinfusing the Latin Rite with the Spirit of the East
Traditionalism NOT merely an Alternate Globalism
I've tried to sort out the more important posts for getting an understanding of my philosophy and its evolution over the course of this blog, weeding out all the ones that are basically just repetitive, recommendations (or even whole-cloth quotations) of outside articles, videos, visual gags, or personal esoterica, etc. As such, I've narrowed the nearly 850 total posts down to around 200 that I feel constitute the real body of my original essayism about philosophy, theology, liturgy, ecclesiastical politics, psychology, secular politics and economics, art and literature, etc.
I've organized them into a few categories for people. Many are cross-referenced in several of the different categories. Posts that I feel "go together," either which are in a series, or which serve as elaborations or evolutions of previous concepts I've addressed, or which serve as contrasts or "bookends" for each other, I've listed together. The posts tend to go in reverse chronological order (so the newest are often near the top of the lists...):
Liturgy and Piety
The Mandatum
Regnal Numbers
Notes on the Count of Popes
Collect and Stational Churches
A Promising and Enlightening Little Chant Conversation
Women, Modest, Aesthetics, Pants and Skirts
A Brief Note on MCs
Humeral Veils
Too Many Doctors
Practical Thoughts on Distribution of Communion
No Altar Girls
The Holy Dark...
Singing "Over" a Latin Low Mass?
Lay Ministers? That Doesn't Even Compute
Holy Week Liturgies
Clerical Cosplay
Can't We Sit Down?
All Hats are Silly
Vestments and Liturgy
Encouraging Without Requiring
Question on Consecration
I Like the Big Pallium
Obligation for the Liturgy, Not Liturgy for the Obligation
Chant for Matins
Simple Low Mass
Questions About High Mass
Matins at Midnight
More of My Liturgical OCD
Breviary Appendices
Feasts of Apostles: West vs. East
All Saints
1967 Ferial Lectionary Chart
Breviary Ideas
Talking Points for Ending Communion in the Hand
On "Apostolic Traditions"
Fasting Proposal
Re-examining "Partial Abstinence"
Glorious Interruption
A Confession
Re-Attempt the Reform
The Language Barrier is THE Issue
Look to Ethiopia for Inspiration
Reinfusing the Latin Rite with the Spirit of the East
They should have kept Epiphany instead...
Lay Readers and Liturgical Politics
Traditionalism NOT merely an Alternate Globalism
Rosaries and Chaplets
Reform of the Clergy
Lay Ministers? That Doesn't Even Compute
Bishops and Marriage
Auxiliary Bishops and Confirmation
Maritain on Clericalism
The Lay Clergy
Lay Readers and Liturgical Politics
Western Rite Orthodox Catholicism?
Uproar? Open Revolt? I Doubt It.
Clothing and Caste
The Dangers of Monopoly
Newman's Model
Orthodox Primacy and Ecclesiology
The Root of All Evil
Particular Friendships
A Three-Point Plan
Call No Man Father
On "Apostolic Traditions"
Difference in Degree, Not Nature
It's a Question of Loyalties...
Disappointed, but Not Surprised...
Falling in Love and the Creepiness of Institutional Seminaries
A Providential Find?
Secular Institutes: The Vocation of the Third Millennium?
A Sad Truth: The Utter Facade of Mandatory Celibacy
Article on "No Organizations"
Vatican II
Every So Often...
A Plea to Move On
Just as Authoritarian as Ever
More Vatican II Dialogue
Vatican II: Deconstructing Certain Notions
True Religious Freedom
Talking Points for Ending Communion in the Hand
On "Apostolic Traditions"
Fasting Proposal
Traditionalism NOT merely an Alternate Globalism
In Summary: The "Maybe God" and "Seekularism"
Beyond Theism; How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the "Death of God"
Addendum: Pontifex Means Bridge-Builder; or, a Church of Seekers
Pluralism, Communion, Open versus Closed (Fundamentalist) Systems
Why There Can Be No "Potential" Human Beings
Extraterrestrial "Intelligence"
The Scandal of Particularity
Paul and Marriage: Beggars Can't Be Choosers
Competing Social Values, the Historical Contingency of Politics and Economics
Why Progressive Notions Are Wrong
His Wrath
A Critique of Theology of the Body
At the Edges of Consciousness: Death and the Double Judgment
Temporal Punishment and Construction
Original Sin and the Meaning of Being Human
Markers of Identity: Community and Boundaries, Law and Morality
Anscombe and Intentional Act
Permissive Will and Sufficient Grace
The Clever Frenchman (on Lying)
Genesis and Evolution
NFP and Moral Object
In Defense of NFP
Hedonism: Two from Grisez
Our Lady's Virginity "in Partu"
The Ordering of the Ordinary
Grace and Free Will: a Thomistic Double Standard?
Two Different Arguments
Conscience Obliges, It Doesn't Permit
On Relativity (not Relativism)
Faith Good and Bad
Mormons, the CDF, &c.
J,E,P, and D
They Need a Better Editor
Auxiliary Bishops and Confirmation
Old News: Thoughts on "Life of the Mother"
Further Thoughts on Life Ethics
God Loves Some More Than Others
Inquiry for Readers on Religious Orders
Canon Law and Sacred Bonds: Vows and Oaths in Consecrated Life
On the Head of a Pin: Some Very Speculative Theology
On Monogenism
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam: On Moral Foundations
Something Else For You To Oppose
The Breaking of the Light
Images of the Father
The Unjust Steward and Indulgences
The (Long) Hard Problem of Consciousness
Another Common Misunderstanding
A Codicil
True Religious Freedom
The Other Secularism
A Common Misunderstanding
Olive Oil
New Answers to Old Questions
Father William Most and Theology
O Felix Culpa!!
The Paradox of the Jews
Jane Eyre and the Confessions of a Closet Universalist
"Living in Sin" and Double Standards
Contraception vs Sterilization
Jumping To Conclusions
Fornication and the Natural Law
Yes, Put a Damn Condom on Already!!!
The Arithmetic of Lesser Evils
The Arithmetic of The Pill
Trinitarianism and Orthodoxy
Orthodox Primacy and Ecclesiology
An Alternate Marriage Proposal from the East
Concrete Proposals vis a vis Orthodoxy: Remarriage
Concrete Proposals vis a vis Orthodoxy: Intro
A Canticle for Leibowitz and the Dormition
Merry Marymas!
Sensible Distinctions
Religious Freedom and Misleading Numbers
Production and Distribution
Notes on Pro-Life Voting
A Political Detante
Makes Sense
Legalize Same-Spirit Marriage!
"Crazy" vs. "Mainstream"
What If: "Gift Money"
Reminder: Social Credit
Head of State, or Figurehead?
Even More Thoughts on the State and Just Laws
New Point on the State and Just Laws
The State and Just Laws?
Individualism and Collectivism
Some Truths Are (Or Would Be) Useless
Sensitivity and Mascots
World Systems and Exploitation
Things To Make You Mad
Let He Who Is Without Sin...
Capital Punishment and Genocide
No More Exceptionalism!
The Paradox of the Jews
It Is Really Hard Sometimes...
Adam Smith on Slavery and the Middle Ages
True Religious Freedom
More Acadecadence
The Other Secularism
The Wine of the Wrath of her Fornication
A Sad Situation
Scary Statistics
Throwing Your Vote Away?
Lies Vs. Wrong Interpretation
Reactionaryism is Sophomoric
Gun Control: An Issue that Shouldn't be Ideological
On Politics
They Need to Learn Some Math
A Flaw...
A Long Introduction to Social Credit
I'm conflicted, re: Chinese Censorship vs US "Information Imperialism"
In Summary: The "Maybe God" and "Seekularism"
Beyond Theism; How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the "Death of God"
Addendum: Pontifex Means Bridge-Builder; or, a Church of Seekers
Pluralism, Communion, Open versus Closed (Fundamentalist) Systems
Meat-Eating Vegans
The Good: A Paradox
The Boiling Frog
"I Had No Choice"? Agency and Martyrdom
Christian Marriage: All or Nothing?
Cardinal Dulles is Right
Ideas are Dangerous
Selfhood: Truth and Authenticity
"Crazy" vs. "Mainstream"
Imposing Morality?
Baptists, Alcohol, and Catholic Barbecues
Attendance at Invalid or Immoral Weddings
Intellectual Pride
Conscience Obliges, It Doesn't Permit
Faith Good and Bad
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mauvaise Foi
Love and Charity
Institutionalism of the Mind
Cohabitation and Minding Your Own Business
Encouraging Without Requiring
Fear and Death
Roman Catholic
Humility as Reality
Intellectual Promiscuity
Encouraging Signs
Preaching to the Choir
"Living in Sin" and Double Standards
"Humanly Impossible Absolute Guarantees"
A Sad Situation
Contraception vs Sterilization
Further Thoughts on Homoeroticism
Particular Friendships
Jumping To Conclusions
Why Do They Care?
Yes, Put a Damn Condom on Already!!!
The Arithmetic of Lesser Evils
The Arithmetic of The Pill
The Power of Women
One has to Wonder...
Dreams of Poverty
Reflections on a Bucket Bath
True Religious Freedom
Distinctions: Jealousy vs. Envy
Testimonial from a Black Catholic
Fasting Proposal
Sin vs. Hypocrisy
Give Up Guilt for Lent
Make It Easy For People
Why Can't More Priests Preach Like This?
Layer Upon Layer
On the true "Sense of Sin"
Eastern Christianity
Trinitarianism and Orthodoxy
Orthodox Primacy and Ecclesiology
An Alternate Marriage Proposal from the East
Concrete Proposals vis a vis Orthodoxy: Remarriage...
Concrete Proposals vis a vis Orthodoxy: Intro
All Saints
A Canticle for Leibowitz and the Dormition
Merry Marymas!
Feasts of Apostles: West vs. East
Western Rite Orthodox Catholicism?
On "Apostolic Traditions"
Fasting Proposal
Re-examining "Partial Abstinence"
Look to Ethiopia for Inspiration
Reinfusing the Latin Rite with the Spirit of the East
Traditionalism NOT merely an Alternate Globalism
Sunday, April 14, 2013
What hurts the most?
Being a fish with a hook in its mouth, slowly reeled in.
Being able to feel your beard grow.
The beating of your heart, the ticking of a clock.
Being too tired to sleep.
Grinding your teeth.
Thinking the word 'ennui' is pretentious.
Feeling hungry (feeling fat).
Watching water go down the drain.
Being done with all your chores.
Being too nervous to read,
too temperate to drink
(too poor anyway)
and too comfortable to be sad about anything
in particular...
Friday, April 12, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Catholic Files
I have at various points uploaded files and linked to them for download in the context of blog posts. I also have many other files which people might find useful, many of which were created by me, but some of which I found elsewhere online, or compiled from other sources. I have decided it is best to make them all available in one place so that they are described and available for easy searching. The files can be downloaded by following the link at the word "This" at the beginning of each description.
This is a traditional central altar card. This is the Epistle-side/Lavabo card. This is the Last Gospel card.
This is a traditional Requiem central altar card. This is the Lavabo and Last Gospel cards.
This is a Novus Ordo altar card. This is the Epistle-side/Lavabo card. This is the [optional] Last Gospel card.
This is a chart dealing with the calendar around the end of Advent/Christmas/Epiphany and showing all seven possibilities for how this time of the liturgical year plays out based on what weekday Christmas falls on.
This is the liturgical calendar as in 1954.
This is a supplement to the 1955 Breviary containing the original feast and octave of St. Joseph Patron of the Universal Church that was replaced by St. Joseph the Worker.
This describes the 1956 rubrical changes to the Breviary in English.
This is a chart comparing the antiphons of the Breviary before and after the 1911 reforms under Pius X.
This is an inventory of antiphons in the pre-1911 psalter of the Breviary (specifically, from an 1888 set).
This is an inventory of antiphons in the post-1911 psalter of the Breviary.
This is a chart of the antiphons from the pre-1911 psalter of the Breviary (specifically, from an 1888 set).
This is a chart of the antiphons from the post-1911 psalter of the Breviary.
This table describes what happened to the various pre-1911 antiphons of the psalter that disappeared after 1911 and also which psalms or divisi have never been assigned "their own" antiphon in either psalter.
This is a proposal I made for a "more moderate" reform of the weekly psalter.
This is a partial proposal for the distribution of antiphons in my hypothetical psalter.
This is a chart comparing the distribution of antiphons in my hypothetical proposal to the pre-1911 and post-1911 versions.
This is Part I of a scan of Dunney's book on "The Mass." This is Part II.
This is a file with the General Rubrics of the Breviary in English, both 1900 and with the Pius X reforms.
This is a list of the feasts in the Calendar of 1954.
This is a file of the paraliturgical Grace for Meals from the appendices of the Breviary.
This is a file of the paraliturgical celebration of the Gradual Psalms, from the appendices of the Breviary.
This is a Guide to the Celebration of Low Mass.
This is a scan of the book "Hymni de Tempore et de Sancti" which contains all the hymns of the Roman Breviary in their forms both before and after the revisions of Urban VIII.
This is a chart of the Invitatories as they existed prior to the reforms of 1911 (specifically from the 1888 breviary).
This is a chart of the Invitatories as the existed after the reforms of 1911.
This is file of the paraliturgical Itinerarium for journeys from the appendices of the Breviary.
This is a scan of the comic-style book "Know Your Mass" for children.
This is a Latin-English file of the 1961 Breviary rubrics.
This is a supplement to the Roman Martyrology in English (1961) containing a description of the revisions made due to the calendrical reforms of John XXIII. (The supplement would allow the book to be used for 1954 liturgical celebrations, for example).
This is a chart of all the Scripture Lessons at Matins from the traditional Roman Breviary.
This is a chart of all the Scripture Lessons at Mass from the traditional Roman Missal.
This is a chart of the Scripture Lessons at Mass from the traditional Roman Missal, plus the ferial readings from the Ferial Lectionary of 1967.
This is a chart of the Scripture Lessons at Mass from the traditional Roman Missal, plus the ferial readings from the Ferial Lectionary of 1967, plus the restored Sunday Old Testament/Prophecy lessons from the historic lectionary (as reconstructed in the Lutheran Service Book).
This is a chart comparing the versicles at Matins pre-1911 and post-1911.
This is a scan of the Octavarium Romanum, an obscure liturgical book containing extra texts for octaves of feasts given an octave in certain churches (but not on the general calendar), from 1883. This is a scan of the index and introductory pages of the Octavarium Romanum of 1902, which was substantially a re-print of the 1883 edition beyond these opening pages.
This is a file about the correct postures for the public celebration of the Divine Office.
This is a file of the paraliturgical celebration of the Penitential Psalms, as found in the appendices to the Breviary.
This is the Tridentine liturgical calendar of Pius V.
This is a file about the correct postures for Low and High Mass.
This is a file of the paraliturgical Psalms Before Mass.
This is a file of the paraliturgical Psalms After Mass.
This is a chart of the traditional Collect and Stational churches in Rome for Lent. While the list of station churches can be found lots of places (with some modern additions or alterations), this list is most interesting for also identifying the ecclesiae collectae where the procession gathered.
This is a chart I made which fits all of Scripture into the traditional 1-year Temporal Cycle, leaving the traditional daily Epistle and Gospel readings in place, and taking traditional Matins as its starting place for the Old Testament cycle. This could be used for a traditionally liturgically-based lectio divina cycle over a year, and one might even imagine it as a sort of hypothetical expanded lectionary for Matins and Mass (as explained in this post).
This is a file about some traditional devotions including the 54-Day Novena, the 3 Hail Mary's in the morning and evening, the 7 Hail Mary's, the 7 Offerings of the Precious Blood (associated with St. Bridget), and the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart.
This is a file of St. Bonaventure's Psalter of Our Lady, a version of the psalter rewritten to praise Our Lady specifically but with the same form or spirit for each psalm.
This is a traditional central altar card. This is the Epistle-side/Lavabo card. This is the Last Gospel card.
This is a traditional Requiem central altar card. This is the Lavabo and Last Gospel cards.
This is a Novus Ordo altar card. This is the Epistle-side/Lavabo card. This is the [optional] Last Gospel card.
This is a chart dealing with the calendar around the end of Advent/Christmas/Epiphany and showing all seven possibilities for how this time of the liturgical year plays out based on what weekday Christmas falls on.
This is the liturgical calendar as in 1954.
This is a supplement to the 1955 Breviary containing the original feast and octave of St. Joseph Patron of the Universal Church that was replaced by St. Joseph the Worker.
This describes the 1956 rubrical changes to the Breviary in English.
This is a chart comparing the antiphons of the Breviary before and after the 1911 reforms under Pius X.
This is an inventory of antiphons in the pre-1911 psalter of the Breviary (specifically, from an 1888 set).
This is an inventory of antiphons in the post-1911 psalter of the Breviary.
This is a chart of the antiphons from the pre-1911 psalter of the Breviary (specifically, from an 1888 set).
This is a chart of the antiphons from the post-1911 psalter of the Breviary.
This table describes what happened to the various pre-1911 antiphons of the psalter that disappeared after 1911 and also which psalms or divisi have never been assigned "their own" antiphon in either psalter.
This is a proposal I made for a "more moderate" reform of the weekly psalter.
This is a partial proposal for the distribution of antiphons in my hypothetical psalter.
This is a chart comparing the distribution of antiphons in my hypothetical proposal to the pre-1911 and post-1911 versions.
This is Part I of a scan of Dunney's book on "The Mass." This is Part II.
This is a file with the General Rubrics of the Breviary in English, both 1900 and with the Pius X reforms.
This is a list of the feasts in the Calendar of 1954.
This is a file of the paraliturgical Grace for Meals from the appendices of the Breviary.
This is a file of the paraliturgical celebration of the Gradual Psalms, from the appendices of the Breviary.
This is a Guide to the Celebration of Low Mass.
This is a scan of the book "Hymni de Tempore et de Sancti" which contains all the hymns of the Roman Breviary in their forms both before and after the revisions of Urban VIII.
This is a chart of the Invitatories as they existed prior to the reforms of 1911 (specifically from the 1888 breviary).
This is a chart of the Invitatories as the existed after the reforms of 1911.
This is file of the paraliturgical Itinerarium for journeys from the appendices of the Breviary.
This is a scan of the comic-style book "Know Your Mass" for children.
This is a Latin-English file of the 1961 Breviary rubrics.
This is a supplement to the Roman Martyrology in English (1961) containing a description of the revisions made due to the calendrical reforms of John XXIII. (The supplement would allow the book to be used for 1954 liturgical celebrations, for example).
This is a chart of all the Scripture Lessons at Matins from the traditional Roman Breviary.
This is a chart of all the Scripture Lessons at Mass from the traditional Roman Missal.
This is a chart of the Scripture Lessons at Mass from the traditional Roman Missal, plus the ferial readings from the Ferial Lectionary of 1967.
This is a chart of the Scripture Lessons at Mass from the traditional Roman Missal, plus the ferial readings from the Ferial Lectionary of 1967, plus the restored Sunday Old Testament/Prophecy lessons from the historic lectionary (as reconstructed in the Lutheran Service Book).
This is a chart comparing the versicles at Matins pre-1911 and post-1911.
This is a scan of the Octavarium Romanum, an obscure liturgical book containing extra texts for octaves of feasts given an octave in certain churches (but not on the general calendar), from 1883. This is a scan of the index and introductory pages of the Octavarium Romanum of 1902, which was substantially a re-print of the 1883 edition beyond these opening pages.
This is a file about the correct postures for the public celebration of the Divine Office.
This is a file of the paraliturgical celebration of the Penitential Psalms, as found in the appendices to the Breviary.
This is the Tridentine liturgical calendar of Pius V.
This is a file about the correct postures for Low and High Mass.
This is a file of the paraliturgical Psalms Before Mass.
This is a file of the paraliturgical Psalms After Mass.
This is a chart of the traditional Collect and Stational churches in Rome for Lent. While the list of station churches can be found lots of places (with some modern additions or alterations), this list is most interesting for also identifying the ecclesiae collectae where the procession gathered.
This is a chart I made which fits all of Scripture into the traditional 1-year Temporal Cycle, leaving the traditional daily Epistle and Gospel readings in place, and taking traditional Matins as its starting place for the Old Testament cycle. This could be used for a traditionally liturgically-based lectio divina cycle over a year, and one might even imagine it as a sort of hypothetical expanded lectionary for Matins and Mass (as explained in this post).
This is a file about some traditional devotions including the 54-Day Novena, the 3 Hail Mary's in the morning and evening, the 7 Hail Mary's, the 7 Offerings of the Precious Blood (associated with St. Bridget), and the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart.
This is a file of St. Bonaventure's Psalter of Our Lady, a version of the psalter rewritten to praise Our Lady specifically but with the same form or spirit for each psalm.
This is a file describing and telling how to pray various chaplets and rosaries (from my collection).
This is a file describing the various devotional Cincture Cords that were traditionally approved for use as sacramentals by the faithful.
This is a file describing the various practices associated with the Divine Mercy devotion.
This is a file describing the various practices associated with the Fatima devotion.
This is a Franciscan traditional version of the Stations of the Cross.
This is the traditional Stations of the Cross by St. Alphonsus Liguori.
This is a traditional Stations of the Cross in Latin.
This is a private devotional Litany of the Poor Souls in Purgatory.
This is a very Baroque yet Medieval-themed private devotional "Litany of Knighthood" I found somewhere online once and then expanded myself.
This is the Little Office of St. Anthony of Padua.
This is the Little Office of St. Joseph.
This is the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception.
This is the Little Office of the Passion.
This is the Little Office of the Sacred Heart.
This is the Little Office of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady.
This is a file of various prayers, some just in English, some in English and Latin, mainly taken from the appendices of the Breviary for Before and After Mass (or Communion), for example.
This is a file of prayers from an old prayer book I found to be said by the laity at the various parts of Mass encapsulating their spirit as an alternative to just following the priest's prayers.
This is a file of a few additional very traditional prayers for before and after Mass or communion.
This is the Prayer to the Shoulder Wound of Jesus.
This is a file of some prayers before and after confession.
This is a file of the prayers of the Rosary in Latin.
This is an alternative booklet for the Rosary in Latin.
This is a file on all the various Scapulars traditionally approved for use by the laity.
This file describes the devotion of the "Secret Tortures of Our Lord" the night He spent in prison.
This file describes the devotion of the 15 Daily Prayers of St. Bridget that you're supposed to say for a whole year.
This is the St. Gertrude Prayer for the souls in purgatory.
This is the devotion of the "True Letter of Our Lord Jesus Christ."
This file describes various miscellaneous traditional Catholic sacramentals.
This is the so-called "Golden Arrow" Prayer for reparation for blasphemy.
This is a file (for scholarly purposes, of course) of the Index of Forbidden Books as in 1948.
This may be a bit out of date, but it's a list of Catholic-majority countries and populations.
This is a list of the ecumenical councils.
This is a description of the contents and symbolism of a traditional Polish Easter basket.
This is a chart describing a potential "gradual/multi-layered" fast and abstinence schema for the liturgical year based on Western tradition, but similar to the East in this regard, as explained in this post. This document also explains the logic of the chart.
This is a file about the traditional tables of hierarchical precedence in the Church.
This may be a bit out of date too, but it's a file of the reigning hierarchal heads (patriarchs, major archbishops, etc) of all the various sui juris churches.
This is a file with an outline of all the various sui juris churches and Rites.
This is a file describing describing the various positions in the hierarchy of the Church.
This may be a bit out of date also, but it's a file of the current emperors (well, there's only one left: in Japan) and pretenders of the world's [former] imperial thrones.
This is a list of the Popes with correct and alternate regnal numbers.
This is a sort of checklist of all the books and chapters and verses of Scripture (according to the Douay-Rheims version).
This is a little primer on all the Doctors of the Church.
This is a scan of the book "The Foundation of a Religious Institute" regarding the canonical process for founding a new institute of consecrated life in the Church.
This is a file describing the various departments and organs of the Roman Curia.
This is a file containing some of the ballads about Walsingham and its traditional shrine of Our Lady in England.